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The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh come on for ****s sake. Can't the ones that enjoying a game enjoy it without having smartasses that tells everything sucks? The ones that plays does it because they want to, not what the devs promis or not on a forum. Lfs is a great example of this.
So please, let me and others enjoy the game because we CHOOSE to.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Stop taking me seriously Ford, you nub ^^
Actually, to be honest, why is this topic allowed to live? There is no hard evidence, just a shouting madman claiming someone did something wrong. Untill there are some evidences here, then we're out cold and don't know jack shit.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Only one thing to say about this shitfest,
Early 2009 / Soon™
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Just saw the LFS in the jello shots.

edit: Oh jesus, that picture of Bob and TVE.

What are you implying?
The Very End
S3 licensed
On the airport waiting on the plane home. Thanks a lot for a great and fun weekend!
Thanks to Becky for letting me stay at her place after the meeting and beeing a good teammate. A big thanks to Jason for letting us borrow his house and setting up this great event year after year.
And lastly, a big thanks to the rest of you for beeing great people, and every one and single of you made the racing extremely close and fun, while beeing nice lads after the racing!

A short list of thanks:
Bob: Because you are...well a **** and I love you for it (and because you allways takes responsibilities to make sure everyone is ok)

Threejump: Because yoy fart in your sleep, aswell as beeing a friendly and nice lad to everyone around you!

Der Butz: For beeing the fun beeing you are, aswell as extremely friendly and fun!

Brook or the guy with the yellow small Honda:
For beeing fun to chat with and play Tension tower! Nuclear engineer by trade is something to brag about (alltho you ofc. Did not do that).

The swedish people (3 of you): god damn imbreed neightbours, But you're okay

All the new people I have not seen before, like Isak etc!: great lads! Nobody caused troubles and no one died, so you did something right!

Lastly, to my lovely bed sharing hunk, VICTOR: every joke aside, thanks for coming. We had some great discussions and thought-sharings, and I appriciate you for beeing the honest lad*you are! You did well in the karting and did not murder anyone (me) for stupid questions, and I hope this is not the last time I get the honor to meet yoy!

Again, there are so many more deserving a thanks, but I am bad at names, sitting on a phone and have memory like a fish, so please forgive me!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Kind of sad seeing it have turned out like this. This is a chance to win a license, not a guranteed license. Play the game because you want to, and maybe win a license, but if you "farm" it just to get a license you have misunderstood the whole point of this competition in first place :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Why are you always in pictures like these?

Well do you see a whalerus ass there? No - then I'm not in the picture!
Without sounding totally wrong here, I envy those asses, mine look like some sort of freakshow out of a 70's horror movie.
The Very End
S3 licensed
why...god why
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from der butz :same here! atm I can't do anything but quadruple check the flight details, getting my stuff sorted again and again and so forth. Porsche is brimmed for the trip to the airport. The only Problem is: my brother works as a policeman and knows I'm going to pass his area tomorrow. I hope he won't pay back the many years of bullying ;-)


der butz

Yeah lol! I have been checking my passport and flight details 3 times today

Sad to hear you wont come Dave :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am looking forward seeing you again mate
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Currently my throttle foot has a few blisters so if you're really lucky I won't be able to push it down fully!

Wat... must I find a new team partner then?
The Very End
S3 licensed
That was norwegian, the neightbour say Tack or some weird shit... can't blame them when they have been opressed by mighty Norway for centuries!
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Specht77 :the speed is not limited TVE, you can edit the gearbox, go on the engine.jbeam, edit with a notepad, and search for the transmission, it's almost on the bottom....

Yesterday I reach almost 500km/h with the marshal, but the rear tyres blew making me lose control beatifully

Lol what?!
And have someone successfully altered the grip level?
And please share that file so I can go that fast too
The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah! Btw is there some ways to alter the top speed of the cars? It's great with huge amount of powers, but kind of pointless when the top speed is 120
The Very End
S3 licensed
A vagina is too high tech for you, that's why you do cocks.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Looks like some fun
Is it possible to share maps / edited maps?
The Very End
S3 licensed
You can grab my titties if you want
The Very End
S3 licensed
To add more cars you must use the editor. Use Windows mode, press F11, and then... well it's complicated shit ;p Dont even remember it now, should be in some dropbox within the editor! Try beam's forum, there is a guide there somewhere =)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Anyone tried with G25 yet? If so, how to set it up right?
Edit: Plugget it in and it worked perfectly lol
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
This is entertaining
Alltho it's very alpha-ish, I'm sure it will get great in the future. Also the crashing is mint!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Feck it, I go to sleep and rather play it tomorrow morning, will take ages to get it down tonight ;p
Will just get slower as more and more people use the server and it will eventually crash entierly lol

But is so fun that they plan adding all those game modes in the game, DD **** YEAH!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Even double post to say that it's downloading, tho slow as ****
The Very End
S3 licensed
Pay NAOW (I did)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Or a PR stunt they though would be good, but actually just rages people a lot
The Very End
S3 licensed
Noooo it seems like it's just a stream...ffs